© Michel Rondeau
Shavings and notes…
Woodwork and music are two passions that have driven me since childhood. Aged 18, I realised that a trade could mix both of them the day I walked through the door of a violinmaker’s workshop. I discovered there a unique, authentic and already familiar universe.
I entered the International School of Newark in UK (1998-2001). Graduated with “Distinction”, I then joined the workshop of Masters Patrick Robin and Andrea Frandsen. I worked beside them for eight years and specialized in making fine violins, violas and cellos.
I set up my own workshop in Angers in 2008, and finally moved it on the banks of the Loire in 2016 (Rive d’Arts, Les Ponts-de-Cé).
My work has been acknowledged by several prizes in international competitions, such as :
- Finalist with one First Prize viola
Viola’s, Paris 2022 - First Prize for sound and craftmanship viola
Viola’s, Paris 2014 - Silver medal viola
Concours Étienne Vatelot (CIVP), Paris 2011 - Two “First Prize” cello
VioloncellENSeine (AFV), Paris 2010 - Gold medal viola, Simone Sacconi Prize
La Triennale (Fondation Antonio Stradivari), Crémone 2009 - Gold medal cello, Silver medal violin
Violin Society of America (VSA), Portland 2008 - Three “First Prize” violin
British Violin Making Association (BVMA), London 2004
Who plays it ?
A few portraits and testimonials of musicians who have chosen one of my instruments as a daily partner…